STARI GRAD – ISLAND HVAR 1/7 – 7/7/2017 School for Education, Creativity and Design
Drawing and Painting Course
• drawing and painting Mediterranean architecture
• forms and textures of landscape
• basic elements for constructing drawings and paintings
• drawing techniques (pencil, charcoal, ink and ink wash)
• painting techniques (watercolors and tempera)
Leader of drawing and painting course: Emil Robert Tanay, Academic painter and professor emeritus Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb
Price and payment methods:
Enrolment: 250.00 HRK
Price: 600.00 HRK for the creative workshop
Art materials are included in the price of the program.
Payment methods: slip in the bank (or post-office), and internet banking.
IBAN: HR3023400091110093879
Content during the seven-day stay:
Drawing and painting techniques: 20 hours
Artwork analysis: 5 hours
School for Education, Creativity and Design – Studio Tanay,
091 333 4 333 Draškovićeva 30, Zagreb
The price of accomodation in Arkada hotel i Trim apartments: 190 HRK per day / half-board
tel/fax(021)765128, (021) 765866
IBAN:HR4523300031159056646; SWIFT:SOGEHR22
HOTELI FAROS d.d., SG Spltska banka d.d.